
Roger Williams University strongly encourages the prompt and accurate reporting of all criminal activity, suspicious behavior or emergencies occurring on RWU property by calling the 公共安全部 (DPS) at (401) 254-3333 (emergency) or (401) 254-3611 (non-emergency) or in person, 参观北校区的DPS办公室(A地块停车场右侧的建筑). 举报罪案有助警务处迅速作出反应, mitigate future criminal activity to persons/property and issuing timely warning notices to the community if imminent or ongoing threat continues. 应该注意的是,当使用手机打电话给DPS, 请拨打(401)254-3333, 因为直接拨打911会把他们引到外面的警局. 是否应该把你送到外面的警局, you need to advise them of your specific location at RWU so that they may dispatch that information to the DPS.
There are emergency telephone locations throughout the campus designated by blue lights for easy identification at night. 只需按下按钮即可激活. 它们直接连接到DPS调度中心, 哪家24小时都有员工, 一周七天. 已激活电话的位置将自动识别给DPS调度干事. 调用时,提供Dispatch

  • 你的身份
  • 是否需要就医?
  • 你打的是什么电话
  • 事件发生的时间

DPS对校园内发生的所有犯罪活动或可疑行为的报告作出回应. 作为对报告的回应,DPS将派遣一名官员发起事件报告. A Shift Commander reviews the report and makes a recommendation for follow up investigation if deemed necessary. DPS incident reports along with follow up information obtained through the investigation are forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for potential disciplinary action, 适当的. Crimes or other incidents that violate university policy can be reported by using the following procedures:

  • 请致电(401)254-3333(紧急)或(401)254-3611(非紧急)或亲自致电公共安全部门, 参观北校区的DPS办公室(A地块停车场右侧的建筑).
  • 保密及/或匿名报告表 在RWU网站上找到 
  • Rave Guardian is a campus safety app available at the University that turns your smart phone into a personal safety device. 免费应用, 可用于iPhone和Android智能手机, 允许用户与家人联系, 朋友, 公共安全或其他你信任的人来帮助你保持安全. 你可以用这个应用程序设置一个安全计时器, 创建和消息您的监护人或发起紧急帮助请求在按下一个按钮. Rave Guardian can be used to send an anonymous tip to 公共安全 if you see something on campus that looks out of place or dangerous. 找到完整的细节和下载说明 狂欢守护者资源网页.
  • 预防犯罪热线/电邮:(401)254-3212 crimeprevention@rurupa.com


因为校园里的官方职责和职位差别很大, a list of specific titles of individuals or organizations who are campus security authorities (CSA) is not provided in RWU policy. 具体确定哪些个人或组织是csa, RWU, 根据珍妮·克莱里法案, 考虑个人或部门的职能. cssa包括官员(1).e. 不是后勤人员,他们的职能涉及与学生的关系.  如果某人对学生和校园活动负有重大责任,那么他们就是CSA.

以下是Jeanne cleery法案定义的校园安全机构:
  • 公共安全部
  • 有校园安全责任的个人 — Any individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department, 比如一个负责监督进入机构财产的人. 这一类的例子有:停车执法人员、活动保安人员和巡逻人员.
  • 由学校指定的个人 — Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as one to which students and employees should report criminal offenses. 例子包括:, 教务长, 人力资源总监, 负责学生生活的助理副总裁, DPS和居住生活和住房部.
  • 负责学生和校园活动的官员 -对学生和校园活动负有重大责任的机构官员, 包括, 但不限于, 学生住房, 学生纪律, 以及校园诉讼程序. 这类的例子有:学生主任, 居住生活和住房部工作人员, 担任学生操守官员的学生, 监督学生课外活动的官员, 体育主任, 球队的教练, 学生团体和学生项目部门的教师顾问和领导人员.

重要的是要注意保护受害者和大学社区免受迫在眉睫的伤害, information received from a complainant by the DPS or any other CSA regarding Title IX related incidents will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator or their designee along with the identity of the victim and/or offender if known. 如果学生向负责的员工报告了事件, but wishes to maintain confidentiality or requests that no investigation into a particular incident be conducted or disciplinary action taken, then RWU will weigh this request against its obligation to provide a safe environment for all students. 学生应该意识到,如果RWU决定尊重保密要求, RWU’s ability to meaningfully investigate the incident and pursue disciplinary action against the alleged offender will be limited. 除了, 当认为有必要保护社会利益时, RWU可能无法尊重学生向负责任的员工提出的保密要求. Non-personally identifiable statistics from confidential reports are included in the University’s Annual 安全 Report.
Policy Addressing Pastoral and Professional Counselors: The negotiated rulemaking process which followed the signing into law of the 1998 amendments to 20 USC Section 1092 (f), 结果澄清了那些被认为是国别安全协定的国家. Professional counselors on campus are not considered CSAs and are not required to report crimes for the inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. 这是政策问题, the professional counselors at RWU are encouraged to inform persons being counseled of the procedures to report Clery crimes on a voluntary basis for inclusion into the annual crime statistics. A voluntary procedure is in place to anonymously capture crime statistics disclosed confidentially to Pastoral and Professional Counselors (all clinical staff) as well as to a physician, 护士, 或健康服务部门的执业护士.

  • Pastoral Counselor: An employee of an Institution who is associated with a religious order or denomination recognized by that religious order or denomination as someone who provides confidential counseling and who functions within the scope of that recognition as a pastoral counselor.
  • Professional Counselor: An employee of an Institution whose official responsibilities includes providing psychological counseling to members of the community and who also functions within the scope of their license or certification.